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While at Texas Wool Week this past weekend, we caught up with Karen Davis proprietor of Entwined Fiber and Wire in New Braunfels, Texas. She has been a fiber enthusiast since 2000 and fiber artist since 2004. She specializes in spinning, weaving, wet-felting and needle-felting with fiber from her own animals including alpacas, angora rabbits and llamas. In addition, in homage to her Danish heritage, she creates one-of-a-kind Viking weave necklaces and bracelets with wire-wrapped semi-precious stones.
We are at the Texas Wool Week festival in Bandera, Texas this week and today Elara spoke with Jennifer Nimmrichter owner of the Sleepwalk Ranch and the festival organizer. She discusses how she makes use of her leftovers, natural fiber waste, fleece you will never spin! She explains how to start talking about small to large scale agriculture using our "wool" as as resource for natural soil aeration, nitrogen output, stabilization and so much more!
Today we shared again another farm to Fiber experience taking a page out of the wider community. Dorota talked about the fundamentals of shearing her goat while I spun yarn. Big thanks to John for his help getting her there!  #sheepwool #texasagriculture #texasfibergathering #farmlife #farmliving #fiberarts #followthesheepwalk #texasmohair #angoragoat